Rsstail ======= *Rsstail* is a command-line syndication feed monitor with behaviour similar to ``tail -f``. *Rsstail* (Python/feedparser_) is inspired by rsstail_ (C/libmrss_), but provides more customizable output formatting and additional features. Usage ----- :: $ rsstail --help Usage: rsstail [options] [ ...] General Options: -v --verbose increase verbosity -V --version show version and exit -h --help show this help message and exit -x --help-format show formatting help and exit Feed Options: -i --interval poll every seconds -e --iterations poll times and quit -n --initial initially show items -w --newer show items newer than -b --bytes show only description/comment bytes -r --reverse show in reverse order -s --striphtml strip html tags -o --nofail do not exit on error -q --unique skip duplicate items Format Options: -t --timestamp show local timestamp -T --utc-timestamp show utc timestamp -l --title show title -u --url show url -d --desc show description -p --pubdate show publication date -U --updated show last update date -a --author show author -c --comments show comments -g --no-heading do not show headings -m --time-format date/time format -f --format output format (overrides other format options) Examples: rsstail --timestamp --pubdate --title --author rsstail --reverse --title rsstail --interval 60|60s|5m|1h --newer "2011/12/20 23:50:12" rsstail --format '%(timestamp)-30s %(title)s %(author)s\n' rsstail --format '{timestamp:<30} {title} {author}\n' :: $ rsstail --help-format Format specifiers must have one the following forms: %(placeholder)[flags]s {placeholder:flags} Examples: --format '%(timestamp)s %(pubdate)-30s %(author)s\n' --format '%(title)s was written by %(author)s on %(pubdate)s\n' --format '{timestamp:<20} {pubdate:^30} {author:>30}\n' Time format takes standard 'sprftime' specifiers: --time-format '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S' --time-format 'Day of the year: %j Month: %b' Useful flags in this context are: %(placeholder)-10s - left align and pad %(placeholder)10s - right align and pad {placeholder:<10} - left align and pad {placeholder:>10} - right align and pad {placeholder:^10} - center align and pad Available placeholders: author comments created desc expired id link pubdate timestamp title updated utc-timestamp Please note that ``{placeholder:flags}`` style placeholders are available only with Python **>= 2.7**. Installing ---------- The latest stable version of rsstail can be installed from pypi_: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install rsstail Or simply put the standalone rsstail script in your ``$PATH`` and make it executable:: Colorizing output ----------------- *Rsstail's'* output can be piped to one of the many console colorizers. Consider using one of the following tools: clide_, multitail_, ccze_, colorize_, colorex_ or colout_. Example with clide_:: $ rsstail \ | clide -e '/(Title|Pubdate|Author|Link|Description):/g,fg=yellow,bold' \ -e '/^.*FAILURE.*$/,fg=red,bold \ Example with multitail_:: # add to /etc/multitail.conf syndication feed monitor cs_re:red,,bold:^.*FAILURE.*$ cs_re:cyan:(:|/) cs_re:yellow:^.......... ..:..:.. cs_re:green:(Title|Author|Link|Pubdate): $ multitail -cS "" -l "rsstail " These two examples are barely touching the surface of what clide_ and multitail_ can do. Refer to the documentation of these excellent projects for more information. Shell completion ---------------- *Rsstail* comes with shell completion scripts for bash and zsh. - **bash:** copy rsstail.sh_ to ``/etc/bash_completion.d/``. - **zsh:** copy rsstail.zsh_ anywhere in ``$fpath``. If you are installing system-wide, the setup script will attempt to place these files in the right place. Similar projects ---------------- - rsstail_ - feedstail_ - theyoke_ - wag_ License ------- *Rsstail* is released under the terms of the `Revised BSD License`_. .. _rsstail: .. _feedstail: .. _theyoke: .. _wag: .. _ccze: .. _clide: .. _colorize: .. _colorex: .. _colout: .. _multitail: .. _feedparser: .. _libmrss: .. _`Revised BSD License`: .. .. _rsstail.zsh: .. _pypi: